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Ginger Bears Accessory Kit

Ginger Bears Accessory Kit
Ginger Bears Accessory Kit Ginger Bears Accessory Kit Ginger Bears Accessory Kit
Product Code: GB-A
Availability: In Stock
Price: $12.50
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"Ginger Bears" Chalet Accessories Kit (Accessories only - wood piece not included)

All (or most of) the wooden accessories to complete your project.


  • Trees - Large (2) pictured
  • Trees - Small (6) pictured
  • Beehives (2) pictured
  • Furniture Buttons - 3/4" (3) pictured
  • Wooden beads - 1/2" (2) not pictured
  • Wooden Beads - 3/8" (6) not pictured
  • Wooden Beads - 1/4" (4) not pictured

This kit is not complete: Not included:

  • Mini Bees - that are shown on behives.
  • Bears - Listed in the pattern as availabe at Micheal's. (Availability unknown)

Note: Window awnings and ball feet are included with the wood piece.

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